
San Mateo

Get information about the current status and read updates related to the impact of the coronavirus & real estate law in San Mateo, California and San Mateo County

Population: 97207

City Website

San Mateo County

The city of San Mateo is located in San Mateo County. As all levels of government attempt to combat the spread of the coronavirus, it is likely that there are restrictions or ordinances at both the city and county level, along with rules passed at the state level. You can access that information by clicking the links below:
city-specific eviction ordinance?
in effect until
During the period of local emergency declared in response to COVID-19
last update
April 9, 2020
landlord & tenant update

San Mateo has enacted a city-specific ordinance protecting commercial tenants.

The City of San Mateo has issued a temporary moratorium on evictions for non-payment of rent by small businesses and non-profit tenants impacted by COVID-19 during the period of local emergency, with a requirement that the tenant show a negative impact from the pandemnic and provide such to the landlord. The City has not taken specific action with regards to residential tenants due to anticipated relief coming from the County and State.

View Update on City Website

Read the Latest Statewide Ordinance


(650) 327-2900
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